After the Order of Teutonic Knights had conquered the Yatvingians, the land,
where Punsk is situated now, emptied. During the next centuries wilderness had
grown over this land. Only Lithuanian rulers had hunted there.
About 1597 the newcomers from Punia and Merkinė came to this land. The forester
Stanisław Zaliwski founded the church. From the beginning of the 16th century
inhabitants of Punsk had been called the burghers. The king Władysław IV gave
Punsk Magdeburg Law. After the church had been built in 1597, Punsk parish was
set up. The parish was inhabited by the Lithuanians so the parish priest should
have been the Lithuanian or should have spoken Lithuanian. It was a decision of
the king Zygmunt III Waza.
We do not know who was the first parish priest in Punsk. We do not know either
what was the first church like. The first church had been distroyed on fire. It
had probably happened between 1741 and 1772. In 1772 the parish priest in Punsk
J. Chłopicki with his parishioners had built a new, wooden church.
After the third partition of Poland Punsk became under the Prussian rule. About
50 years later in 1852 the burghers from Punsk voluntarily waived their
Magdeburg Law. The new wooden church was burnt during the fire in 1868. At first
the services were celebrated in a small chapel on the cemetery and later in the
old barn. Józef Szumowicz was the parish priest in Punsk at those times. After
his death Kazimieras Jonkaitis started to rebuild the church and the presbytery.
He did not managed to finish work he died in 1881. The present stone St.
Mary`s church was consecrated in 1887 when the parish priest Simonas Norkevičius
(Norkus) was in Punsk. He took care of church fittings and décor as well. He
also organized a new cemetery. When Lithuanian printing was banned he was a
correspondent of Aušra in Prussian Lithuania and worked as a coordinator of
illegal book distributors in Punsk parish. His successor was Motiejus Simonaitis
who did a lot for the parish.
The I world war damaged the religious life in the parish. The war did not allow
to continue a religious service. The choir stopped his work. Later the priest
Krakaitis came to the parish and later the priest Juozas Švedas who continued
work with the choir, he cobbled the road to the cemetery and started to lead the
procession of All Souls` Day. He also bought three new bells.
In 1932 the priests started sermonizing in Polish. One year later a feud was
started. The Lithuanians did not want to let the Poles to carry better church
banners. This conflict had caused that the priest J. Švedas ran away.
During the II world war the Germans closed the church. They displaced the
Lithuanians from Punsk to Lithuania and at their place they brought the Germans
from there. The priest
A. Žievys tried to convince their parishioners to stay at their place.
In 19551957 Kamiński was the parish priest in Punsk. He changed the services`
schedule to Lithuanians` disadvantage. The Lithuanian inhabitants protested and
sent a delegation to the bishop, they wanted to change the parish priest. In
1957 a new one came the priest A. Szumiński who restored the earlier
services` schedule. After his death Ignacy Dziermejko became a new parish priest
who was the good host. He refurbished the church in Punsk. After him Jan Jerzy
Macek became a new parish priest. And since 2000 Czesław Bagan has been a new
one in Punsk parish.